The Episcopal Tradition


The Episcopal Approach

Episcopalians (part of the Anglican Communion) have tried to steer a middle-course between Roman Catholicism and Protestantism, acknowledging that each has much to offer. We may be best known for the comprehensiveness of our denomination, which encourages and treasures a variety of viewpoints. Famous Anglicans include Franklin Roosevelt, George Washington, C.S. Lewis, Mary Oliver, Jane Austen, Madeline L’Engle and Archbishop Desmond Tutu.

Episcopal Worship

Our order of service, called the liturgy, dates back to the earliest centuries of the church, where people and clergy alike have important roles. Like the early Christians, our worship focuses on two main components 1) The Word of God, as expressed through Scripture readings and a sermon; and 2) Communion, also called "the Lord's Supper," "the Mass," or "the Eucharist," where we encounter Jesus' presence in the ordinary elements of bread and wine.